To Memorable Experiences!

 In Youth


Before I was enrolled in the EDGE program. I had just graduated from high school and was attending Humber College, studying advertising and graphic design. I was also a shy person, wasn’t as confident in myself and outgoing but that all changed once I joined this program. During my time in the program I learned so many different things from the workshops that I didn’t learn at school (example: selfcare, financing, relationships, mental health). I also really enjoyed all the dance classes because we always made it a great time. The most memorable experience I had at the EDGE was the retreat at Camponeness because that is when we all became really close with each other and made endless memories. Now that a full year has passed since the EDGE I can say I became more outgoing than I was and have gained more confidence. I’ve also dropped out of the graphic design program and went into pastry arts and will be doing an internship in Italy starting next January. One thing that I realized after completing EDGE, was that this program really helps you create friendships for a lifetime because even though a year has passed, we still message each other. 2018 Debutante of the Year

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